| 1. | She cannot calculate on the unexpected effects . 他不能指望异想天开的功效。 |
| 2. | We were all astonished at the unexpected news . 听了这个突如其来的消息,我们都十分诧异。 |
| 3. | In any event, the unexpected orders started me on a hurried round of preparation . 无论如何,这未期望的命令使我开始匆促的准备。 |
| 4. | Throw is usually taken to mean the unexpected outward projection of stones from blasting . 飞石通常是指爆破的石块向外面意外飞射。 |
| 5. | Reacting with initiative to the unexpected is not a specialty of soviet diplomats . 苏联外交官没有那种临机应变、主动作出反应的特长。 |
| 6. | For herself she was again brittle and pretentious, but the two men appeared to be enjoying the unexpected . 她又恢复了那副纤弱做作的神态,可那两个人似乎对这意想不到的事很是欣赏。 |
| 7. | We were simply glad to be back in primitive africa again and in an atmosphere where the unexpected might just possibly happen . 我们只是高兴能再次回到原始的非洲,回到一个或许真会出现意外的环境中。 |
| 8. | "i-i-" she began, and then burst into quivering sobs, shaken to the very heart by the unexpected voice of pity . “我-我-”她刚说了这两个字,就抖抖擞擞地呜咽起来了;因为她意想不到地听了这几句怜惜她的话,真是“五内”都感动了。 |
| 9. | The unexpected win boosted the team ' s morale 出乎意料的胜利提升了队伍的斗志。 |
| 10. | I became worried when i heard the unexpected news 听到意外的消息时,我着急起来。 |